Tuesday 31 January 2012

Meet miss cutie pie!

While out delivering some handcrafted items to a client, I had the opportunity to snap some photos of her SWEET daughter who is cute as a button!  She was all smiles for the camera, something that made me want to dance as there is nothing cuter than a smiley, happy, camera friendly baby!  She has a smile that will melt your heart and is one conversationalist!  I know her momma will be booking me in for future photos, and after today's little session, I simply can not wait!!!

Behind the "Little Black Dress"

fWhat the heck??  I'm sure you are thinking that after reading this subject!  The Little Black Dress is a package I have for photos, and is one I wish I could give away to every single woman in the world!  My Little Black Dress package is for boudoir photography, and I can't even begin to tell you how empowering, beautiful, self securing, and how positive of an experience it truly is.  You MUST have faith and trust in your photographer for your images to turn out.  You also want to know that your photographer knows what they are doing and even better, that they've done a boudoir photo session previously.

I have done quite a few now, and each one is different, but the way the woman feels at the end of the session when we review the photos is not different... my experience has been every woman finishes the session feeling beautiful, secure, self confident, sexy and in some cases, fierce!

I prefer to take photos that flatter each individual person, to showcase the beauty within the woman, to show who they are.  A number of photos are done without showing the client's face, and no photo will ever show anything inappropriate.  That is not what boudoir photography is about.

The entire shoot is done very delicately, slowly, without rush or pressure.  I listen to the client's wishes for how they would like to have their photos look, how they would like them to feel, and go from there.  Some sessions take 2 hours, some take more, but the time it takes is not important, it is the final results.

The session usually starts with the client feeling shy, a little insecure, and this is completely normal!  I would react the same if I were on the other side of the lens.  But after the camera starts clicking and the client gets used to how I work, my encouragement, praises and compliments, they begin to feel comfortable and it shows.  The transformation that happens during the shoot is inspiring, every single time!  By the end of the session, it is common for me to experience the client suggesting angles and shoots... and I capture these for them, as by this point, the woman is truly herself, her beautiful, sexy, confident self!

Within the trees

I had a very enjoyable photo shoot with second prize winner from my contest.  We decided to head to Park Falls and take advantage of a beautiful location, frozen and glorious!  The photos were fun, full of personality and  great attitude!

I had bought a chair second hand earlier that day, and before we left the location, I had an idea to make a really random shoot and utilize the chair... I'm glad we did as the photos are fun, and quite interesting!!!  I've had lots of great feedback on them and some fun interpretations.  I've done my job when I've captured photos that make the viewer pause to look at them :)
This photo has a movie star quality to it and I love the feel it gives... kind of a vintage shot of someone who wasn't expecting the camera to be there.
See what I mean about a beautiful, frozen in time location?  I love it!!!  We had enough of a breeze to move her hair and give more energy to an already alive photo!
And this photo would be my "wayward traveller" photo!  I have received lots of feedback on it, all positive with the viewers own story of what they see.

I think I will make my blogs similar to this entry, more of a story of the shoot with photos included along the way.  I know I enjoyed writing it, all I can hope is for my readers to enjoy reading it!


Monday 30 January 2012

Behind the Scenes

I had the absolute pleasure of photographing two different faces after winners from a contest were chosen.  My first prize winner has fallen in love with our local "graffiti tunnel" and chose this spot as her location.  So, on a cold and windy day, we bundled up and off we went!  It was a fantastic shoot, littered with trips to my car to warm up frozen fingers and toes, and to spy at the photos on the camera!  The results were worth every single, cold second!  Not only did I thoroughly enjoy myself with my client and her bestie who came along for the shoot, but I also captured images full of color, interest and personality!  Have a look for yourself, I'm sure you will agree!

And hats off to this awesome client... not once did she complain of the wind or cold... she really was grateful for winning such a fantastic prize <3

Welcome to the new ME!

Wow.... it has been a long time since I sat and wrote a single thing.  I don't think I have much of an excuse... wait a second, I do!  LIFE!  But I love every second of it!  In case you didn't know, I'm a mom, a wife, a nurse, a photographer and a lover of the everyday :)  

My son continues to challenge me everyday to take a good photo of him.  I've learned I can trick him by letting him take my "purse camera" and sneak photos of him taking photos of me, works like a charm!

I am busy planning for an active photographic season... with some fresh ideas and a new outlook!  After some disheartening moments, I did a little soul searching.  I also sought advice from other photographers and was absolutely delighted to receive absolutely fantastic feedback that I will use, grow with and make goals based on the information and feedback.  

I am also going to give back to my community.  For anyone in Pictou County, you will likely see auction items donated from Barefoot Photography & Paperworks, its the very least I can do to give to a community I can always count on if it was my time in need <3